Hello there! I think that maybe this is the last blog I’ll publish. I don’t know just I hope you’ll like it. Well in this blog I’m going to talk about the immigration policy of Chile throughout its history. I consider that is a dense topic to explain in a little word but I’ll try to explain better way. First, it’s necessary I talk about what is the immigration for Chile; the legislation (from 1980, made by Dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet) considers it as a danger to State interests because the immigrants are considered foreign elements. In that sense, the different policies made by the government appoint to see to immigrant as an enemy of the State than friend. Yes, it sounds so hard and disturbing. On the other hand, the last years, government has trie to make new and different policies try to improve the life conditions of immigrants, firstly, considering them like person, subjects of right, because the most important fault of the Chilean state against the immigrant is ...
Hello there! Maybe this is the last post? I don’t know but now I going to talk about the experience of writing in these sessions blog. I think this way to learn and exercise the English language is so interesting and creative because you can let fly the imagination write about the different experiences and topics, also you mix it with English language. I feel that my writing skills have improved because I learn to write in different ways and improving those I knew. With regard to what I would like to include topics and themes more related with the field work and career because we learn a lot of words that are uses in the academic language of the Public Administration. Personality, I would like to write about our possible dreams when we will be old people, I don’t know, If look ourselves in a great house, with children or not? I don’t know. That could be interesting. Finally, I connect the session’s blogs with my career development in the point that it works to develo...