Hello there! I hope you are fine!
Today, in this blog I 'm going to talk about my dream job and why I would like to work there.

However, I don't care if it's representing to Chile or any other country. I want to work with the most needies people, those who are abused by the system, wars or international conflicts.
I think this job I can make several changes in the world, in different areas promoting the culture, arts, sciences and sports. I think I could achieve in the future.
I would like to work in different countries, travel around the world to know a lot of cultures and languages, because I love this kind of jobs, the facts to connect with people of different realities and needs, I think this is my principal motivation to want to work there.
As my job would be travelling I need to speak better other languages like English, French, German, even Arabic, I really dream up with this job.
All this ideas come from my major that will be Public Administration, when I will know about the coordination, cooperation and management of people and later I would want to study a postgraduate in topics linked with international affairs or studies, international conflict management or studies about migrations or human behavior. On an other hand, I would like to work, specifically and geographically talking, in the Middle East and Latin America and Caribbean.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed my post and my EXCITING story!
Regards everybody!
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